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Elder Nominations
Huntersville Presbyterian Church

Qualifications to look for in an elder: a spotless reputation, the spouse of one spouse, sober-minded, sensible, respectable, welcoming to strangers, and gifted to teach. Disqualify any drunk or violent person. Look for a gentle person; no belligerent person can follow this calling. And elder should be free from money lust. Elders should exert good control over their own households, and their children should obey and honor them. (If someone can’t manage their own household, then how can they take care of God’s family?) Elders mustn’t be someone recently converted; otherwise, they may become arrogant and fall into the devil’s condemnation. 1 Timothy 3: 2 – 6

Please submit names of those that God places on your heart to serve as Elders for the Class of 2027 Please also consider suggesting your own name if you feel that God may be calling you. The recommended names will establish a list for the Nominating Committee who will prayerfully consider all recommendations. A slate of nominees will be presented to the congregation for election.

2024 Elder Nominating Committee: Jennifer Larance Shue (elder), Christina Fecher (elder), Julie Hester, Tim Mayes, Neil Plyler, Brenda Runyan, and Lisa Spivey.


Elders are given authority and responsibility, along with pastors, to oversee the spiritual health of the congregation as well as the congregation’s faithfulness to God’s mission. Elders may also be asked to preach and teach. Elders shall be elected by the congregation. Elders at HPC serve 3 year terms.

QUALIFICATIONS OF ELDERS: Elder nominees are required to be a Huntersville Presbyterian Church Covenant Partner (member) for at least two years. Elders should possess spiritual maturity, alignment to HPC’s vision and mission, the ability to prayerfully discern God’s call for HPC, and an ability to work with and communicate with other members of Session and church staff. Elders should demonstrate active participation in the life of HPC and support of the ministries of HPC with their time, gifts and financial resources. Elders must display an eagerness to represent all congregants. Elder’s must affirm and submit to the ECO Essential Tenets.

Class of 2024: Natalie Baldwin, Ian Bonthron, Jennifer Larance-Shue, and Bob McAuley


Class of 2025: Amy Green, Tim Martin, Holly Rowles, and Brian Sheehan


Class of 2026: Dan Blackwelder, Christina Fecher, Angie Perry, and Randy Rhymer

Spouses, in-laws, siblings and parent’s/children of current elders or HPC Staff may not serve simultaneously on the Session as their family member. Family members and elders of the class of 2024 are eligible for nomination as elders of the class of 2027.

Please submit your nomination below:

Thank you!

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14416 South Old Statesville Road |  Huntersville, NC  28078
Mailing Address: ​P.O.Box 313 | Huntersville, NC 28070
Church: ​(704) 875-6892
​Preschool: (704) 875-7756

 Worship Service 9:30am Sundays

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